Network Message Protocol
DOTSNET comes with its own message protocol. While you will never have to worry about it, it is good to know when debugging or designing external applications.
Client->Server Messages:
<<messageId:ushort, message:bytes>>
Server->Client Messages:
<<messageId:ushort, amount:uint, messages:bytes>>
NetworkMessage Interface
All messages need to be structs that implement the NetworkMessage
Serializes message contents into writer.
Deserializes message contents from reader.
Sending a NetworkMessage
can send a NetworkMessage
to a client connection.
can send a NetworkMessage
to the server.
Whenever we want to send something from the client to the server, or from the server to a client, we need to use a NetworkMessage
Simply create a struct that implements the NetworkMessage
interface and add the serialize & deserialize methods:
Message IDs are automatically generated from the message's type name hash.
Receiving a NetworkMessage
Inherit from NetworkServerMessageSystem
to handle a received message on the server:
Almost all server messages should require authentication. For example, a client that hasn’t logged in shouldn’t be able to send a player movement message.
Inherit from NetworkClientMessageSystem
to handle a received message on the client:
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