
Network Message Protocol

DOTSNET comes with its own message protocol. While you will never have to worry about it, it is good to know when debugging or designing external applications.

  • Client->Server Messages: <<messageId:ushort, message:bytes>>

  • Server->Client Messages: <<messageId:ushort, amount:uint, messages:bytes>>

NetworkMessage Interface

All messages need to be structs that implement the NetworkMessage interface.




Serializes message contents into writer.


Deserializes message contents from reader.

Sending a NetworkMessage

NetworkServerSystem.Send can send a NetworkMessage to a client connection.

NetworkClientSystem.Send can send a NetworkMessage to the server.

Whenever we want to send something from the client to the server, or from the server to a client, we need to use a NetworkMessage.

Simply create a struct that implements the NetworkMessage interface and add the serialize & deserialize methods:

using DOTSNET;

public struct JoinWorldMessage : NetworkMessage
    public Bytes16 playerPrefabId;
    public bool Serialize(ref NetworkWriter writer) =>

    public bool Deserialize(ref NetworkReader reader) =>
        reader.ReadBytes16(out playerPrefabId);

Message IDs are automatically generated from the message's type name hash.

Receiving a NetworkMessage

Inherit from NetworkServerMessageSystem to handle a received message on the server:

using DOTSNET;

public class JoinWorldMessageSystem : NetworkServerMessageSystem<JoinWorldMessage>
    protected override bool RequiresAuthentication() => true;
    protected override void OnMessage(int connectionId, JoinWorldMessage message)
        // handle the message

Almost all server messages should require authentication. For example, a client that hasn’t logged in shouldn’t be able to send a player movement message.

Inherit from NetworkClientMessageSystem to handle a received message on the client:

using DOTSNET;

public class MyMessageSystem : NetworkClientMessageSystem<MyMessage>
    protected override void OnMessage(MyMessage message)
        // handle the message

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