
DOTSNET comes with its own system to spawn prefabs across the network.

The PrefabSystem can be found in both the ServerWorld and the ClientWorld.

Scene Prefabs

Networked Entities like Monsters can be added to the Scene:

The PrefabSystem will convert them all to prefabs when starting.

Regular Prefabs

Regular prefabs that live in the Project Area:

Need to be dragged into the PrefabSystem’s Prefabs list manually in order to spawn them over the network. You can find the PrefabSystem in the Hierarchy:

It has a PrefabSystemAuthoring component with the Prefabs list where you can drag your prefabs into:

PrefabSystem API




All regular prefabs converted to Entity, by prefabId.


All scene objects convert to Entity, by prefabId.



Get(prefabId, out Entity)

Find a prefab by prefabId. This searches both the regular prefabs and the scene objects.

Call this function to find the prefab, then use EntityManager.Instantiate to instantiate it.

Last updated